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Fall Team

1. Any member who meets the eligibility requirements of SCGA/WDTP and whose index does not exceed 24.8, may sign up by the designated annual deadline. SHWGC team members are encouraged to use the gold tees or longer at Shadow Hills year-round and/or tees at their summer home course that meet the minimum WDTP course length of 5200 yards.


2. The team will be comprised of members who have the lowest handicap index as of the deadline.


3. The Captain and/or Co-Captain will contact players by Index to see if they want to play until the roster is full.


4. Each March a Team Captain will be elected by the existing team. The Team Captain will select a Co-Captain. The Captain and Co-Captain shall adhere to WDTP By-Laws and follow policies and procedures as outlined in the SCGA/WDTP Team Manual.


5. The Captain and Co-Captain are responsible for the general operation of the team. They are also responsible for keeping the SHWGC President informed of all pertinent information and meetings.


6. The Fall Team is sponsored by the Shadow Hills Women’s Golf Club. It is expected that all team players will participate in the SHWGC play days on a regular basis.

Captain: Marg Hawes

Co-Captain: Margaret Miller

Some of our Team

Spring Team

1. Any member who meets the eligibility requirements of DCSTL and whose index is a minimum of 10 and does not exceed 28 on January 1st, may sign up by the designated annual deadline by contacting the Team Captain.


2. The team will be comprised of a minimum of 16 members.


3. The Team Captain is encouraged to commit to a 2-year term. If a new Team Captain is needed, she will be elected by the existing team in April. The Team Captain will select a Co-Captain. The Captain and Co-Captain shall adhere to DCSTL By-Laws and follow policies and procedures as outlined in the DCSTL Team Manual.


4. The Captain and Co-Captain are responsible for the general operation of the team. They are also responsible for keeping the SHWGC President informed of all pertinent information and meetings.

Captain: Verna Rutledge

Co-Captain: Colleen Borggard

Shadow Hills Women's Golf Club is a private women's golf club organized for residents of Sun City Shadow Hills, Indio, CA

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